In 2006, Philip Mantione and I gave up our home and lived in different countries for short periods of time. Our post office BOX 1035, also our collaborative name, became a symbol of non-permanence and nomadic existence that was motivated by our interest in experience and movement. Throughout our travels I created e-postcards, a detailed online photo journal, updated on a daily basis. In a way, e-postcards became a surrogate home for us. (Above image: Philip outside our studio in Beijing)
Part of e-postcards, Buffalo Weekly Videos represents each of the 11 weeks of our lives in Buffalo, New York (2006) as the BOX 1035 team (Alysse Stepanian, Philip Mantione, Kayo). I shot these shorts in very low resolution on my photo camera, producing transient moving images that symbolized our lives. This work was featured on HZ Journal.