
GARDEN OBSESSION(2003-2005, upstate New York)

I created this half acre perennial garden, using a combination of formal design and organic curvilinear shaped planting beds and walkways. The garden was surrounded by woods, with boulder-size rocks defining the edges. Mountain laurels surrounded the property and were scattered throughout the woods (white and pink blossoms everywhere in the spring).

I planted dozens of species of perennials, herbs, shrubs, grasses, spring bulbs and trees, and used local rocks for a planting well and walkways. Lavenders, Rugosa roses, Torch lilies and Red Hot Pokers were some of my favorites. I started the majority of the plants from seed.


Having lived in urban areas all my life (Tehran, Los Angeles and New York City), this was a unique experience for me and a necessary process for acclimating myself to drastically new surroundings. The colors of nature have strongly influenced my aesthetic sensibilities. We left just after the garden got established and buzzed with bees, dragonflies, butterflies, birds and all sorts of beautiful creatures.

That’s where we met our Kayo – he still got to play in the open grass area in the back of the house.

We even grew our own fruits and vegetables: strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, tomatoes, red beet, broccoli, soy bean, green bean, chives, corn, variety of lettuce, Persian cress, chard, and more.


Winter was also breathtakingly beautiful…