These three-dimensional paintings/sculptures were created for Drainage, a collaborative installation with Philip Mantione as the BOX 1035 duo. In various ways each piece is about desire, and the use of construction materials is a reference to the suburban lifestyle sought out by many Americans. partypooper has a subtle resemblance to the American flag. A drip of paint moving upward against gravity defies the norm and stains the happy atmosphere of the confetti-covered stripes.
12″h x 15″w x 2.75″deep.
Acrylic, aluminum flashing, mixed media on wood.
Created for “Drainage” – a BOX 1035 multimedia installation.
24.25″ x 19.25″x 3″deep.
Acrylic, Rust-Oleum, leaf guard, mirrors, glitter, beads, confetti, nails, screws on birch plywood.
party pooper
15″h x 20″w x 2.25″deep.
Acrylic, oil Rust-Oleum, aluminum downspouts, yarn, confetti, glitter on wood.
party pooper (detail)
15″h x 20″w x 2.25″deep.
Acrylic, oil Rust-Oleum, aluminum downspouts, yarn, confetti, glitter on wood.
The Silver Screen
15″h x 19.75″w x 4.5″deep.
light bulb (inside the drain pipe), acrylic, oil Rust-Oleum, aluminum downspout, aluminum flashing, confetti, nails on birch plywood.
The Silver Screen
15″h x 19.75″w x 4.5″deep.
light bulb (inside the drain pipe), acrylic, oil Rust-Oleum, aluminum downspout, aluminum flashing, confetti, nails on birch plywood.
Tough Love
15″h x 17.5″w x 7″deep.
Acrylic, aluminum flashing, cloth, leaf gurad, mixed media on wood.
Tough Love (detail)
15″h x 17.5″w x 7″deep.
Acrylic, aluminum flashing, cloth, leaf gurad, mixed media on wood.
I’ll cry for you
Acrylic, oil, Rust-Oleum, glitter, beads, confetti, drain pipes on birch and cedar plywood.
I’ll cry for you (detail)
Acrylic, oil, Rust-Oleum, glitter, beads, confetti, drain pipes on birch and cedar plywood.
I’ll cry for you (detail)
Acrylic, oil, Rust-Oleum, glitter, beads, confetti, drain pipes on birch and cedar plywood.